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Group exhibition from the 1 to 4 Dec at Espace Commines Paris 3.

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I still keep the smell of Marrakech and the image of the desert from the Autumnale of Marrakech that I just left and I invite you to join me this weekend in a completely different scenario. From Friday afternoon 25th to November 27th evening, come join me at Pavillon Baltard, Nogent-sur-Marne with sculptures and drawings just in time for your Christmas gifts!…

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I was invited with the project Alphabet to exhibit in the Marrakesh Automnale 2022 along other artists of gallery Cécile Dufay Paris.

22 Drawings –  30x30cm – ink and pencils on 300gr paper – Paris 2020-2022.

18/11 to 19/12 in Majorelle.

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Coinciding with the pause created by COVID-19, the geographically distanced collaboration between Tal Waldman in Paris and Fiona Morehouse in Vermont, invites you to rethink silence and reevaluate the relationship between art, spirit and body. This experimental art collaboration is a multi-layered research including paintings, writings, photographs and documented research. Committed to visualizing invisible threads of the mind- body connection, Waldman and Morehouse experiment with shifts in observation, perception and communication. Opening our ongoing experimentation to engagement with others is a way of working with art and mindfulness that, we believe, has value in shaping a greater sense of well being and heightened human connection.

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A new collaboration and exhibition of the 2 art pieces of the Aquatic collection in Alcova -Milano design week Juin 2022

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Find us in the center of Milan and in the fairgrounds.

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