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New Book launch “La Voie d’Expérimentation” Editions Lord Byron


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May 2 – Sept 3, 2023 at the Cité du Vitrail museum in Troyes
You are welcome to my personal exhibition entitled “The way of Experimentation” which is also the title of the next book launched on the occasion of the opening of the contemporary space of the freshly renovated museum. The exhibition presents my ongoing dialogue as artist and designer with traditional skills.


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New launch and exhibition – Wall and Deco contemporary wall paper 2023 collection and Wet collection

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20 mars – 8 avril 2023 at the galerie Combes of the American university of Paris.  Opening event the 20 of March 18h
Proud to be one of the winners of the 2021 Salon d’Art Sacré de Compiègne exhibition attributed by the AUP. In the exhibition the series Directed Randomness and Organic Abstraction.
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On March 5, I’m giving an Artist Talk along an ephemeral exhibition at the Cité Maraichéres with Slow Art Paris and curator Ekin Akelin. The conversation will focus on my ongoing visual research on women, in particular the Wolf-Woman series, exploring societal perspectives on masculinity and femininity in women through the metaphor of the wolf.

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Coinciding with the pause created by COVID-19, the geographically distanced collaboration between Tal Waldman in Paris and Fiona Morehouse in Vermont, invites you to rethink silence and reevaluate the relationship between art, spirit and body. This experimental art collaboration is a multi-layered research including paintings, writings, photographs and documented research. Committed to visualizing invisible threads of the mind- body connection, Waldman and Morehouse experiment with shifts in observation, perception and communication. Opening our ongoing experimentation to engagement with others is a way of working with art and mindfulness that, we believe, has value in shaping a greater sense of well being and heightened human connection.

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January 20 – 22, 2023 at Le bonheur est dans l’instant gallery
Discover the experimental and collaborative art project between myself (Paris, France) and Fiona Morehouse (Vermont USA) offering an immersive exhibition and an experiential workshop on the occasion of the launch of our art and mindfulness book –
Visualize the invisible.

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