Galerie LOUCHARD voeux et fin d'expo

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Un article sur notre projet collaboratif Green Paros
Bulletin n ° 15 des Amis de Paros, avec des articles en anglais, grec et français…/

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Dans l’esprit de Noël, ma prochaine exposition collective à la galerie Louchard! Au plaisir de vous voir!


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Une super interview et un article sur mon travail et ma vision dans le domaine du papier peint notamment sur ma collaboration exclusive avec wall & déco depuis 10 ans. Merci à Nat Lecuppre de Nda Magazin et merci Aude!




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Green Paros is a collaborative group and online platform of people living in Paros or who are interested in Paros, who share common values of preserving the authentic lifestyle on the island by encouraging and creating sustainable activities , Social, environmental and economic issues.
Initiated and invented by the artist and creator Tal Waldman Talva D., co- realized with the manager in place Ronit Ben Saadon, co-founder of the Tao Center. With the help of Roula Kavalli, interior decorator and member of the Cultural Association of the village of Prodromos.

This summer we supported and collaborated with the Prodromos association in the traditional chickpea festival and we also organized a workshop to revive the tradition of local carpets using recycling. A workshop that welcomed nearly 30 people with enthusiasm, some of whom looked for old carpets from their families.
Wishing to be inspired by this tradition, we are working to create a contemporary carpet production and thus not only preserve the carpet tradition but also meet social, economic and cultural needs during the slow winter period. In November we want to start a weekly production rally with our GREEN PAROS WINTER GROUP and, until summer, create a collection that resonates with the Green Paros manifesto.

In the photo, 2 contemporary rugs and 2 old 70 years old, can you guess which are old and what are new?



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Le musée MPP  expose mon travail pour Wall & Deco jusqu’à la fin de 2018 dans le cadre de l’exposition « Papier peint du future », de nombreuses innovations  … À VOIR

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