The WOLF-WOMAN series is a story of the relationship between the physical and emotional life of women which verifies the qualities “feminine-masculine”. It explores the archetype of the wolf and the duality-Woman-Wolf and the relationship between femininity and nature.
First part: The different qualities. Ink on vegetable paper.
Paris-2019. Ink and pencils on 300 gr paper.46x61cm
Paris-2019. Ink and pencils on 300 gr paper.46x56cm
Paris-2020. Ink and pencils on 300 gr paper.46x59cm
Paris-2020. Ink and pencils on 300 gr paper.25x40cm
Paris-2020. Ink and pencils on 300 gr paper.56x46cm
Paris-2019. Ink and pencils on 300 gr paper.59x46cm
Paris-2021. Ink and pencils on 300 gr paper.29x40cm
Paris-2021. Ink and pencils on 300 gr paper.57x68cm
Part two, The mythology / the cabaret of life.
Soumission / Paris-2020. Ink and pencils on 300 gr paper. 50x75cm
Intimité / Paris-2020. Ink and pencils on 300 gr paper. 50x75cm
Amour/ Paris-Amour, Paris 2020. Ink and pencils on 300 gr paper. 50x75cm
Third part: In the woods, memory. Mixed media on 300gr
Liberté / Paris-2021. Ink and pencils on 300 gr paper. 50x65cm
Wild / Paris-2021. Ink and pencils on 300 gr paper. 50x65cm
Dans le bois rouge :Paris-2021. Ink and pencils on 300 gr paper. 50x65cm
Dans le bois rouge 2 :Paris-2021. Ink and pencils on 300 gr paper. 56x76cm
Dans le bois violet :Paris-2021. Ink and pencils on 300 gr paper.56x76cm
Dans le bois rouge 3 :Paris-2021. Ink and pencils on 300 gr paper.56x76cm
On March 5, I’m giving an Artist Talk along an ephemeral exhibition at Cité Maraichéres with Slow Art Paris and curator Ekin Akelin. The conversation will focus on my ongoing visual research on women, in particular the Wolf-Woman series, exploring societal perspectives on masculinity and femininity in women through the metaphor of the wolf.